Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All I can say about life is... enjoy it!

Many philosophers give their opinion about life because life is mysterious. Life is interesting to be discussed. It is fun to talk about life and the definition. Each person have their own way to definite the LIFE. No one is wrong, so try to understand each definition. You will say “Yeah, it is right.”
Life is choices
Life is full of choices, which the life itself is one of choice, between life and die. When we are given choices, it means we are still alive. So, choose to next our life. However, don’t forget to take the responsibilities that will appear after you decide to choose something. Make sure the choice that you take is the result of thinking more than once. Your choice may have a long-term effect. Feeling regret after choosing is a big mistake.
Life is a war
Some people say that life is a war with our selves. It means, we fight our ego, our emotions, and ambition. We know that as long as we live, we face many things which are not satisfactory. Those unwanted things that must be fought. We must have willing to fight. It is as a sign that we still want to stay alive. If sometimes we fall and feel depress, it may because we lose our will to fight. Spirit must be kept to win the war.
Life is a journey
We live. It is like we are on a journey. We through a long road, which is not always smooth, but it can be rough. It can be easy to walk through it, but can be hard as well. We must have principle and keep hold on it. In every problem, always remember our principle. As we walk through that road, of course we will meet someone else. Sometimes we walk together for a long time. Sometimes they come only temporary then go. However our memories about our togetherness will be still in our mind, it will accompany us in the next phase of our journey.
Life is quotes
When we find a quote, often it relates with life. It is because we always need motivation to next our life. We often feel depression, or like want to end this life when face a difficulty. That’s why people create quotes. If we read a quote, we will realize how worthy our life are.
Life is a game
Like we are playing a game, so our life is. There is a start, have mission, through many challenges, have some hints, sometimes fail, sometimes success get into the goal. Realize or not, our life is like a game that we like to play. They are similar right? So if we think that life is bad, we have to change our mindset. Assume that we are playing a game. More difficult our life, more we feel challenged. And remember the feeling when you reach the goal.
Life is life
Life is a choice that we have to choose. Life is a war that we have to defense then win. Life is a journey which we have to go through it. Life is quotes, so understand it. Live is a game then enjoy it with a cup of tea and snack. Life is everything we think. Although there are so many meaning of life, life is life. Always back to life and try to realize your life imagination to become a real life.


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